Apex chart legends are not available in QuickChart export

When exporting Apex charts by making use of QuickChart, legends are not included.

Please see the url and let me know if Iam missing any parameters



Hi Jackson, I also have the same problem.

For a few days, the legend hasn’t come out anymore, while it was correctly present before.

Were you able to find the cause of the problem?


Yes. It worked when Apex Chart version was specified in POST/GET request. The latest version of 3.37 seems to not render the legends. I could get this working with all versions below that
POST https://quickchart.io/apex-charts/render
Body: {“config”:{…},“apexChartsVersion”:3.36}


Thanks for figuring this out, @jacksonalappatt. It seems like 3.37 doesn’t render the legend by default, but setting apexChartsVersion to 3.36 solves this problem. I recommend setting the library version in production.

I’ll update the documentation to make the versioning clearer.

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