Apexcharts: Random Internal Server Error

Hello. With this test payload


I randomly get a 500 Internal Server Error using the POST https://quickchart.io/apex-charts/render endpoint. Any idea what may cause the problem? What are the limitations of datapoints creating a heatmap? Is it possible to hide the default labels on the x-axis and only show the group labels? Thanks in advance.

Hi @Bruno,

Thank you for your patience as we’ve looked into this. It looks like the render is exceeding the memory limit. We’ve increased the memory limit which should help alleviate the issue.

There are no hard limitations on datapoints, but there is a runtime memory limit and time limit.

The ability to hide datalabels is ultimately an Apex Charts question, and I believe you can accomplish your request by setingt the show property of the xaxis.labels object to false . Their documentation has more info on x axis settings.

Hi @ian Thanks a lot for your support.