Hey all! I’m working with chart templates using https://quickchart.io/chart-maker/view/...
and have been encountering an issue where it seems background color isn’t respected by the renderer. E.g. setting the chart background color in either the URL via query or in the chart maker via Canvas and Layout → Canvas background color to black still renders the chart background color as white on the page or iframe while it renders correctly at https://quickchart.io/chart-maker/
- Am I missing something?
- Is this intended or a bug?
- If it’s intended, is there any way one could set up an interactive chart with the ability to change the background color? Rendering as an image isn’t interactive like an iframe is.
Steps to reproduce:
- Make any chart at
or use any template - Set the background color either via the UI or via URL query parameters to something other than white
- Either visit or embed
with applicable parameters