Stacked Gantt Chart compresses as more lines are added

This piggybacks off another question that helped me initially:
How to make stacked gantt charts? - #10 by 0123ren

I have a stacked Gantt chart of vegetables (y-axis) and dates (x-axis). It looks fine when there’s only about 4 lines of vegetables but as the number of lines increases, the chart begins to compress and all my labels start overlapping. Now I know that I can change the Y-axes fontSize but I’m wondering whether there is a setting to stop the chart from compressing in the first place.

Gantt chart with mashed up labels

Screen Shot 2025-02-12 at 8.19.02 pm

This image below is with only 6 vegetables and it looks good with enough vertical spacing (though I really want the x-axes dates to just be “mmm” instead of “mmm yyyy”). I’d really love if I could keep this spacing with twice as many vegetables. Is this possible?

Screen Shot 2025-02-12 at 8.11.57 pm

If not, I may have to break it into 2 or more charts, not a big deal.

Thank you!