Stacked Horizontal Barchart

Hi there, i’ve tried to create a horizontal barchart with a 2 stacked data sets.
This renders but when i try to overide/edit the chart it keeps saying no chart found.
Please could you help with this.


OVERIDE (on spreadsheet, G2 references the URL):


All the data is dummy data and the bars are actually mean’t to be different lengths according to their data. I’ll sort my data from biggest to smallest down the chart.
It would be really awesome if the Chart Layout resized itself according to the amount of data i supplied it OR alternatively i could maybe list only the top 100 stats/bars. Also would need the chart to be about 600 wide and 6000 high (in terms of the size/ratio)
(Is any of that possible?)

Hi @Heirhead,

I’m pretty sure the immediate issue is just that the URL you’re building is malformed. The first query parameter must be preceded by a ?.


If this doesn’t work, please provide the text output of the cell.

To answer your other questions:

  • There currently isn’t a way to dynamically size the chart layout
  • The current height limit for charts is 3000px. However, you get a 6000px image height by setting chart height to 3000px and devicePixelRatio to 2 (which is the default)

Hi, thanks for responding. I put the & before labels and data1 and data2. but doesn’t seem to work. Here is the text.,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&data1=20,181,45,65,92,24,40,54,54&data2=54,54,87,24,90,22,55,20,181

You haven’t replaced the first & with a ?. It should be ?labels, not &labels :slight_smile:

Here’s the corrected URL:,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&data1=20,181,45,65,92,24,40,54,54&data2=54,54,87,24,90,22,55,20,181

Oh man, so sorry about that. Absolute brain fade moment. i see now that you had edited it already - =G2&"?labels="&JOIN(",",A2:A10)&"&data1="&JOIN(",",B2:B10)&"&data2="&JOIN(",",C2:C10)
And i thought you were going crazy​:crazy_face::rofl:
Thanks so much. Sorry to have wasted your time. :+1:

You got it! Glad it’s working now and feel free to follow up with other questions.

Thanks for that, will do👍