Hi there, i want to create a graph dynamically in a visualforce page in salesforce.
The idea is basically i want to show customer summary in a page and then be able to export as PDF.
What i want to display is bunch of info, some in graph and others as a plain output from various fields.
But when i try to view the page in salesforce, it just shows blank.
What is the actual URL of the image that fails to display in Salesforce?
Hi Ian, i was able to sort it and got it working.
Actually the example you have on documentation for salesforce is using wrong syntax…so i had trouble with that.
Oh no sorry about that! Do you have a pointer to what I should correct about the example?
@Afzal0810 I’m trying to render my vf page as a pdf and my chart is not displaying. Can you let me know how you were able to resolve this issue? I updated the " to ’ and escaped the single quotes so that the apex code generates the URL correctly, but it is still showing as a broken image when I render it as a pdf. Just wondering how you are exporting as a pdf.
For anyone else looking, as soon as I added a remote site record with “https://quickchart.io” as the url the chart displayed in the pdf.