Here’s a chart:
Link to it in the chart maker:
If I load the chart in the full editor, you can see there’s code for a vertical line annotation:
However, as you can see, the vertical line isn’t showing up.
I’ve gotten horizontal line annotations to work as shown here:
And vertical line annotations to work on linear axis charts:
But for some reason, it isn’t showing up in the example above.
Any suggestions welcome.
June 25, 2023, 2:45pm
Hi Ed,
I believe the explanation here is that the interactive Chart Maker/Chart Viewer doesn’t include support for annotations at this time. Your configurations look fine otherwise. This is something we can look into upgrading…
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It’s working!
Link to chart:
The key was, the value of the annotation has to match one of the x-axis values exactly.
So I guess the new feature request is: allow annotation values that are arbitrary (instead of having to match an existing value).